
What Really Happened in 1693 in Salem? Agatha Harkness, Nicholas Scratch, and the Salem Secrets

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    One of the most mind-blowing moments in Marvel’s recent years unfolded in Agatha All Along, Episode 5, and it left Marvel fans buzzing. This episode finally gave us some long-awaited answers while opening the door to even more mysteries. It featured the possible introduction of Billy Maximoff (or Billy Kaplan) as Wiccan, hinting at his formal entry into the MCU. But beyond Billy’s introduction, the most compelling aspect of this episode involved Agatha Harkness, Nicholas Scratch, and the dark, haunting history of Salem in 1693.

    The episode teases Agatha’s true motivations and some horrifying decisions she made in Salem. One of the big questions we’re left with is: What really happened in Salem during the witch trials? Who was pulling the strings? How did Nicholas Scratch play into all of this? And most importantly, how did the creation of the Salem Seven tie back to Agatha’s fateful decision to spare the children of her enemies? We’ll take you through everything we know about Salem in 1693 in the MCU and what this means for Agatha Harkness’ character development.

    What Really Happened in 1693 Salem?

    The MCU’s Salem is not your typical historical recounting of the infamous witch trials. Instead of a straightforward, patriarchal hunt for women accused of witchcraft, we see witches turning against witches. This twist reframes the Salem Witch Trials as internal witch politics, with Agatha Harkness caught in the middle. But who was truly in control, and what prompted these events?

    In WandaVision, Episode 8, we saw the beginnings of this story: Agatha being tied to a stake, seemingly about to be punished by her own coven, led by her mother, Evanora Harkness. In Agatha All Along, Episode 5, we learn more about the horrifying details of what actually took place.

    Agatha was put on trial for breaking the rules of her coven—specifically for gaining access to forbidden knowledge, something far beyond her “age and station.” The trial, led by her own mother, Evanora, accused Agatha of using the darkest of magic, and Evanora and the other witches aimed to destroy her.

    What struck viewers, though, was Agatha’s defense: she didn’t explicitly break the rules; the rules bent to her power. Her response suggests that Agatha didn’t think she did anything wrong—rather, her natural gifts and hunger for power simply allowed her to transcend the limitations imposed by her coven. When the witches started chanting “Mors Monstro Naturae” (roughly translated as “Death to the Monster of Nature”), it was a direct indication of how much they feared her. If even witches are calling someone a freak of nature, you know something truly extraordinary and dangerous is at play.

    The witches tried to overpower Agatha, but instead, she turned their attack against them. As seen in WandaVision, she absorbed their power, killing them in the process. The climax of this scene is her dramatic battle with her mother, Evanora. Despite the formidable magical prowess of Evanora, Agatha emerges victorious, absorbing her mother’s powers, symbolized by the blue tiara that appeared on Evanora’s head before her death.

    Nicholas Scratch and the Salem Seven

    While Agatha All Along Episode 5 filled in some gaps in Agatha’s backstory, it raised even more questions about her son, Nicholas Scratch. There has long been speculation about Nicholas Scratch’s role in the MCU, and Episode 5 might hold the key to unraveling this mystery.

    Marvel Comics

    In the comics, Nicholas Scratch is a powerful sorcerer and one of Agatha’s children, who often plays the role of the antagonist, even turning against his mother. His significance in the Marvel universe is tied to a group of magical beings called the Salem Seven. But why did Agatha spare the children of the witches who condemned her in 1693, and what does Nicholas Scratch have to do with it?

    The episode hints that Agatha may have spared these children because of guilt. Guilt about something that had happened to Nicholas Scratch, her son, could have driven her to protect these children, who would eventually grow up to form the Salem Seven. Agatha’s trial, therefore, may not have been just about her dark magic, but also about what she did—or didn’t do—to save Nicholas.

    Salem Seven-Agatha All Along
    Agatha All Along/Marvel Television

    The Salem Seven, as we now know, are the descendants of the witches who prosecuted Agatha. They are not ordinary children but powerful beings in their own right. Agatha’s decision to spare them, despite her ruthless nature, raises suspicions. Was this a way for her to atone for her past mistakes, particularly with Nicholas? This tragic layer adds complexity to Agatha’s character, transforming her from a straightforward villain into a mother haunted by loss and regret.

    The Darkhold and Agatha’s Forbidden Knowledge

    The other central piece to Agatha’s puzzle is the Darkhold—the infamous book of dark magic. As we know, the Darkhold is one of the most dangerous magical artifacts in the MCU, filled with forbidden knowledge and dark spells. Agatha’s pursuit of this knowledge is what put her on trial, but it’s unclear if it was merely a thirst for power that drove her, or if there was something more personal at stake.

    agatha shocked
    Agatha All Along/Marvel Television

    Some fans speculate that Agatha’s quest for forbidden knowledge wasn’t just about gaining power—it was about trying to bring back her son, Nicholas Scratch. In the context of 1693 Salem, a time when witchcraft was severely punished, the idea that Agatha would try to use the Darkhold to perform resurrection spells would have been considered a heinous crime. If Agatha’s trial was actually about her attempts to resurrect Nicholas, it would explain her deep guilt and the connection to the Salem Seven.

    The dynamic between Agatha and her mother, Evanora, further highlights this tension. Evanora’s accusation that Agatha was stealing knowledge beyond her station implies that Evanora herself possessed this dark knowledge, but believed it should not be accessed. If Agatha was trying to use this power to bring back her son, her defiance would have been seen as an unforgivable betrayal.

    Rio Vidal and the Mysterious Connection to Agatha

    The introduction of Rio Vidal adds yet another layer of intrigue to the story. Rio’s appearance in Episode 5, coupled with the knowledge that Rio was in Salem in 1693, suggests a much deeper connection between them. Rio defends Agatha against the other witches’ accusations, which makes us question the nature of their relationship. Were they allies, or was there something more?

    agatha and rio vidal romantic moment
    Agatha All Along/Marvel Television

    One theory that has emerged is that Rio represents death itself, and that Agatha made a deal with Rio to save Nicholas Scratch, but at a terrible cost. It’s possible that Agatha couldn’t bring herself to kill her own son, so she turned to Rio, who offered to “take care” of Nicholas for her. This deal could have left Agatha tormented and powerless to undo what had been done, leading to her exile from the coven.

    If Rio is indeed the embodiment of death, it would also explain Agatha’s unique ability to absorb power from other witches. Perhaps this ability was a gift (or curse) bestowed upon her by Rio as part of their deal, making her nearly invincible to normal means of death but also isolating her from the rest of the magical world.

    Agatha’s Future in the MCU

    As we look toward the future, Agatha Harkness is poised to play a major role in the MCU’s expanding magical universe. With the Darkhold and her unique powers, Agatha is a force to be reckoned with, and her story is far from over. Her mysterious relationship with Rio Vidal and her actions in Salem suggest that there is much more to uncover about her motivations and past.

    agatha getting power
    Agatha All Along/Marvel Television

    In upcoming episodes, we’re likely to see flashbacks that provide more insight into Agatha’s history, particularly her dealings with Nicholas Scratch and Rio. As we learned in the trailers, there are still some key moments yet to be shown, including Agatha’s return to her 1693 Salem outfit. This suggests that we may get a deeper look into what happened during her trial and how Rio and Nicholas fit into the broader narrative.

    Concluding Thoughts

    Agatha Harkness is one of the most complex and fascinating characters in the MCU. Her actions in Salem, her relationship with her son, Nicholas Scratch, and her connection to the Darkhold and Rio Vidal all point to a rich and tragic backstory that has only begun to unfold. Was Agatha truly a villain, or was she a mother desperately trying to save her child? Did she make a deal with death itself, or was she simply trying to gain more power? These are the questions we hope to see answered in future episodes. One thing is for certain: Agatha’s story is far from over, and as the MCU continues to explore its magical side, we can expect Agatha to play a major role in the unfolding drama. Whether she ultimately seeks redemption or fully embraces her darker instincts, Agatha’s journey is one we’ll be watching closely.

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