
WandaVision Recap: Everything You Need to Know Before Agatha All Along

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    The MCU has hours and hours of stories at this point, so even if you’re a hardcore fan of the franchise, you might need to refresher on everything that’s happened up to this point. But before watching Agatha All Along, you should recall what happened in WandaVision. To fully understand Agatha’s story in Agatha All Along, you need to know the story that came before—WandaVision.

    WandaVision is a sitcom-style superhero series that follows Wanda Maximoff after the events of Infinity War and Endgame. She’s lost her husband, Vision, in the battle against Thanos. Now that Thanos is gone and the heroes have won, Wanda didn’t get the victory she wanted. That’s why we have Wanda’s story.

    Episode 1 – Filmed Before a Live Studio Audience

    The episode begins in a 1950s setting, in the town of Westview, where the newly married couple, Wanda Maximoff and Vision, have moved. They’re trying to fit in with the town, knowing that Vision is an android and Wanda has reality-warping abilities. One day, they notice a heart marked on their calendar, but neither of them remembers what the heart signifies. Vision heads off to work at Computational Services Inc., and Wanda decides that the heart must be for their anniversary.

    Image: Marvel

    Their neighbor Agnes introduces herself to Wanda and helps her prepare for their special night. Meanwhile, Vision impresses his coworkers with his speed, but he’s puzzled about what exactly his company does. Vision’s boss, Mr. Hart, reminds him that he and his wife are coming over for dinner. Vision then realizes that the heart on the calendar represents dinner with the Harts.

    Vision rushes home to remind Wanda about the dinner, and as they prepare the meal, they hide their powers from the Harts. However, when Mr. Hart questions Wanda about where they’re from and why they moved to Westview, she is unable to answer, and Mr. Hart suddenly chokes on his food. The atmosphere turns uncomfortable, but Vision uses his powers to save Mr. Hart. All of this is happening within the fictional sitcom WandaVision, which is being watched by someone on a TV.

    In between the episode, there’s a commercial for the Stark Industries ToastMate 2000.

    Episode 2 – Don’t Touch That Dial

    The second episode begins with a 1960s setting. Wanda and Vision hear strange noises outside their house. They are preparing for the neighborhood talent show, where they will perform a magic act. Wanda spends her day planning the show with Agnes and Dottie, the leader of the planning committee, while Vision attends a Neighborhood Watch meeting, where he accidentally swallows some chewing gum.

    Wanda befriends another neighbor, Geraldine, and starts noticing more oddities in their world. A toy helicopter appears in their black-and-white world, colored in yellow and red, and she hears a voice over the radio that seems to be talking to her. She also sees a red bloodstain on Dottie’s hand. Meanwhile, the chewing gum jams Vision’s internal mechanics, making him act as if he’s drunk during the talent show. Wanda uses her powers to make their magical performance seem like simple magic tricks, and she removes the gum to fix Vision.

    Back at home, Wanda suddenly realizes she is pregnant. Just then, she sees a man emerging from a manhole in a beekeeper suit. Wanda resets her reality to make the man disappear and changes the setting to a full-color 1970s world.

    During the episode, there’s a commercial for Strücker Watches.

    Episode 3 – Now in Color

    Set in the 1970s, Wanda is now four months pregnant. After a checkup from Dr. Nielsen, he leaves for a vacation. Vision notices their neighbor Herb cutting through the wall instead of trimming the hedges. As Wanda and Vision prepare the nursery for their baby, they debate what to name the child, but Wanda’s pregnancy progresses rapidly, and she soon finds herself six months pregnant.

    wanda using magic
    Image: Marvel

    When her contractions begin, Wanda’s powers cause objects in the house to move, and the town experiences a power outage. Geraldine arrives to help deliver Wanda’s twins, Billy and Tommy. Meanwhile, outside, Vision notices Herb and Agnes gossiping about Geraldine, saying she has no family or home in Westview. Inside, Wanda questions Geraldine about her knowledge of her brother Pietro’s death. Geraldine mentions Ultron, which makes Wanda suspicious. Wanda also notices a sword emblem on Geraldine’s necklace.

    When Vision returns, he finds that Geraldine has disappeared. Outside of Westview, we see Geraldine being thrown out of a thick wall and surrounded by S.W.O.R.D. agents.

    During the episode, a commercial for Hydra Soak Bath Powder appears.

    Episode 4 – We Interrupt This Program

    The episode begins in the real world with Captain Monica Rambeau, an agent of S.W.O.R.D., who had vanished due to Thanos’ snap and returned after the Endgame blip. She learns that her mother, Maria Rambeau, has died of cancer. Three weeks later, Monica returns to work, and Director Tyler Hayward assigns her to assist FBI Agent Jimmy Woo with a missing person case in Westview, New Jersey.

    At Westview, they discover a hexagonal static CMBR field surrounding the town. Monica is pulled into the field. Within 24 hours, S.W.O.R.D. sets up a base around the town and sends in drones and an agent to investigate. Dr. Darcy Lewis is called in and discovers that the field is broadcasting a sitcom signal of what’s happening inside. They learn that real townspeople have been cast in the sitcom, and Monica appears as Geraldine in the show.

    Darcy and Jimmy try to contact Wanda through the radio but fail. When Monica mentions Ultron, Wanda forcefully expels her from Westview. Vision notices that Wanda’s illusion briefly breaks, and he sees her as she looked when she died, but Wanda quickly restores the sitcom reality.

    Episode 5 – On a Very Special Episode…

    Set in the 1980s, Wanda and Vision struggle to calm their crying twins, Billy and Tommy. Agnes offers to help, but Vision grows suspicious of her behavior. Wanda and Vision are startled when their twins suddenly age up to five years old. They later find a dog, which the boys beg to keep. Agnes names the dog Sparky.

    As Wanda is about to reveal her powers to Agnes, Vision grows concerned. The boys quickly age up to 10 years old. Meanwhile, at work, Vision receives an email from S.W.O.R.D., learning about the situation in Westview. He steps outside the sitcom world and realizes Wanda is controlling the town.

    S.W.O.R.D. sends in a drone from the 1980s, which causes Sparky to run away. Director Hayward orders the drone to be used to kill Wanda, but she exits her barrier, warning him to leave her alone. Agnes later finds Sparky dead. Vision confronts Wanda, asking her to free Westview, and they argue until the doorbell rings, revealing Wanda’s brother Pietro, though it’s not the same actor. Watching the broadcast, Darcy is shocked to see Pietro recast.

    Episode 6 – All-New Halloween Spooktacular!

    Set in the 1990s, Wanda wants to celebrate Halloween as a family, but Vision tells her he’ll be patrolling the streets with the neighbors. Pietro steps in as a father figure, taking Tommy and Billy trick-or-treating and using his super speed for mischief. We learn that Tommy also has super speed powers.

    tommy billy with pietro
    Image: Marvel

    Meanwhile, Vision explores the edges of Westview and finds some residents frozen in place, including Agnes. She reveals that Vision is dead when he temporarily frees her from Wanda’s control. Outside Westview, Director Hayward orders Monica, Darcy, and Jimmy to leave the base for disagreeing with his plan to attack Wanda. They secretly hack into the system and discover that Hayward is tracking Vision’s vibranium signature.

    Vision tries to cross the static wall but begins to disintegrate. Billy senses Vision’s pain and tells Wanda, who expands the hexagonal barrier to save him, engulfing many S.W.O.R.D. agents, including Darcy.

    During the episode, a commercial for Yo-Magic Yogurt plays.

    Episode 7 – Breaking the Fourth Wall

    Set in the 2000s, Wanda decides to take a day for herself. Agnes offers to babysit Billy and Tommy. Meanwhile, Wanda notices that various objects in her house are changing without her control. Vision wakes up and finds that the S.W.O.R.D. agents have been turned into circus members. He frees Darcy from Wanda’s spell, and she explains the events that led to the current situation, including Vision’s death.

    Outside Westview, Monica and Jimmy meet with loyal S.W.O.R.D. personnel who provide them with vehicles capable of crossing the barrier. However, the plan fails. Monica decides to enter the barrier herself, and after crossing it, she gains enhanced vision.

    Monica confronts Wanda, but Agnes interrupts and takes Wanda to her house. Wanda realizes her sons are missing and searches for them in Agnes’s basement, where she finds a strange lair. Agnes reveals herself as Agatha Harkness and that she’s been behind many of the strange events in Westview, including sending the fake Pietro and killing Sparky.

    Episode 8 – Previously On

    The episode begins in 1693 Salem, where a coven led by Agatha’s mother, Evanora, attempts to punish Agatha for using dark magic. However, Agatha drains the life force from the witches. In the present, Wanda demands to know where her children are, but Agatha refuses to tell her. When Wanda tries to attack, her magic doesn’t work, and Agatha explains that only the witch who casts runes in a space can use magic there.

    Agatha forces Wanda to relive key memories to understand how she’s controlling Westview. She learns that Wanda had magical abilities since childhood, amplified by the Mind Stone. Wanda’s love for sitcoms also becomes apparent. After the Blip, Wanda went to S.W.O.R.D.’s headquarters to retrieve Vision’s body, but Hayward refused, as Vision’s body was too valuable. Wanda didn’t feel any life in him, so she left.

    Grieving, Wanda went to the plot of land Vision had bought for them in Westview. In her overwhelming sorrow, Wanda’s magic manifested a new house and created a version of Vision, enveloping the entire town in her hex. Agatha concludes that Wanda possesses a legendary form of magic called chaos magic, making her the Scarlet Witch.

    In a mid-credits scene, Hayward reactivates the original Vision’s reassembled body, now pure white, known as White Vision.

    Episode 9 – The Series Finale

    The finale begins with Agatha attempting to take Wanda’s chaos magic, but White Vision arrives and tries to kill Wanda. Wanda’s Vision fights White Vision, while Agatha frees the people of Westview from Wanda’s control, causing them to pressure Wanda into lowering the barrier. When she does, Vision and her sons begin to disintegrate, allowing Hayward and S.W.O.R.D. to enter.

    Monica discovers that the fake Pietro is actually an actor named Ralph Bohner, and she frees him from Agatha’s control. Together, they help Wanda’s sons stop S.W.O.R.D. Vision explains to White Vision that he is not the true Vision, as having the original body does not make him Vision. Wanda’s Vision restores White Vision’s memories, after which White Vision flies away.

    wanda transforming as scarlet witch
    Image: Marvel

    Wanda fights Agatha and seemingly loses her powers. However, she has cast runes around Westview, preventing Agatha from using magic. Wanda reclaims her magic, transforming fully into the Scarlet Witch, and traps Agatha in her Agnes persona.

    Wanda collapses the hex after bidding farewell to Vision and her sons. In the mid-credits scene, Hayward is arrested, and Monica is told by a Skrull that a friend of her mother’s wants to meet her in space. In the post-credits scene, Wanda is seen in her astral form, studying the Darkhold, when she hears the voices of her sons calling out to her.

    That wraps up our recap of WandaVision! This series lays the groundwork for future Marvel projects, especially with the introduction of chaos magic and the Scarlet Witch.

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